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Denim and utility, two awesome trends that are combined in this outfit. I’m a little bit obsessed with shopping and asos at the moment, a wonderful (and dangerous) pairing, which is where I found this dreamy little outfit. The styling on there is more amazing than ever at the moment, and I’m taking full advantage of it! My wardrobe is filled with denim shorts and denim jeans, so it was a pleasant surprise to see denim skirts fill the shops ready for Spring/Summer 15, and denim pencil skirts are just even better! I can most definitely see one of the Kardashians wearing this ( Kim or Kylie?), which is probably why I chose it… part of my quest to become one of them, sigh. Nevertheless, what hit me when taking these snaps is that my holiday tan has now 100% left me, are my poor legs are becoming casper-ish. Time to add some fake tan to my shopping list, any recommendations?

Top : new look
Skirt : ASOS
Coat : Next (similar here)
Shoes : forever 21
Sunglasses : ebay
Clutch : mums

xoxo T

Style Crush – Miranda Kerr





I am totally in love with this outfit choice by the wonderful Miranda Kerr. She never fails to disappoint with her fabulous style and this outfit is no different. I adore this colour blue as well as the super cute frill which makes her look like beautiful señorita.

xoxo T

Wingardium Leviosa

If you follow me on Facebook, you would have already been swamped by my uploading of lots and lots of pictures regarding this post. If you don’t, then I think the title is a big giveaway. On Friday, Stefan surprised with a trip to the Warner Brother Studio’s in Watford for a tour of the Harry Potter set! We’d be wanting to go for ages and ages, and as Stef only lives 20 minutes away, he bit the bullet and booked us in!

On route there I felt like a child going on a school trip. We had made a little packed lunch of tuna pasta salad along with some snacks and in true school trip style, started tucking into the lunch before the tour had even started! After queing for 20 minutes amongst copius amounts of children, the doors opened and we went in!

We firstly watched a short little clip of Harry, Ron and Hermione talking about the making of the films and the set etc ( actually pretty interesting) and then were led into the great hall, which was filled with costumes, cutlery, and candles. A tour man told us some facts and then we were allowed to wander around on our own. We saw the gates, the common room, Hagrids house and so many other wonderful things.

It was so surreal seeing everything ( I think the great hall was my fave) but as much as I absolutely loved it, it also made me feel a tiny bit depressed. Firstly, because it made me realise IT’S NOT REAL ahhhhhh and secondly, because it’s all over. Boohooooo.

We also tried some Butterbeer, which was actually quite yummy ( in moderation)!

If you are a Harry Potter lover and haven’t been yet, I would 100% recommend it. YOU JUST HAVE TO GO! I really wanted to purchased a robe, but they were like 80 QUID! Insane.

Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios

Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios

Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios

Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios

There are more pictures to follow, but I’m still at Stefans at forgot to bring my camera lead!I hope you’re all having a civil Monday so far. I’m currently trying to do some coursework that’s in for Friday ( yawn) but keep getting distracted at my excitement for the weekend – a visit from Abigail ( postponed from last weekend), AND ST.PADDYS DAY  ON SUNDAY WOOOOO

xoxo T

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Happy Birthday, Kate

In all honesty, I have never been a fan of the Royals. I love the idea of all the olden time Kings and Queens and all that chopping heads off nonsense. But now, I really don’t see the point and I’m sorry to say it, but the Queen really annoys me. That being said, I am one of those who absolutely loved the arrival of Kate Middleton into the Royal Family. While at first I was extremely jealous at her becoming a Princess and often called her ugly, stupid, annoying etc ( jealous talk), I now admit that she is BEAAAAUTIFUL and always looks bloody gorgeous and perfect. So, In honor of Kate ( and Bump) I have chosen my 10 most favourite outfits of hers!










And at number one, it is of course, her absolutely beautiful wedding dressImage

Happy Birthday Kate!


On another note, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year! One of my resolutions is to blog more, which is something I’m really going to try and stick too!

xoxo T

Bank Holiday Weekend

I am not usually a person for going out on bank holiday weekends and instead I prefer to stay at home with my family and friends and have a good time – and that’s what exactly what I did! As I went away for all of July and part of August I have hardly had time to spend time with my best friend. I don’t use the word ‘best’ loosely either. Abigail and I have known each other since we were nine ( around that age anyway). As soon as we met, we were inseparable, and that never really changed until we both went to University. Abigail is a year older than me and has just graduated from Leicester University in English ( with a 2:1)! She also wants to go on to do journalism, so her time has been filled up with lots and lots of work experience, once again meaning its been hard to see each other! This weekend however has been spent together – and it was fabulous!

Her parents cooked me a delicious meal on Friday night and we then watched a film called “Lbs.” If you haven’t seen this, I definitely recommend it! It is not filled with the best Hollywood actors, to be honest I didn’t know one actor in it, but the actors that are in it are brilliant, and the story is funny,sad and very moving!

On Saturday we went for a cheeky trip to Topshop and although I am extremely poor at the moment I made two little purchases from the sale jewelry section.

I bought this beautiful gold ring with red squared on it, and a pearl/gold ear cuff and the best thing – together it cost just £3.60 ( with student discount of course) No doubt I will lose this ring by the end of week as I always end up losing things, but for now it seems to look good with every outfit!

Moving onto Sunday, this was probably my favourite day of bank holiday because for the first time in YEARS, I went cycling with my parents. We drove down to Swansea which has improved so much from the last time I was there, and then cycled along the coast to mumbles.

I’ve once again discovered my love of cycling and will hopefully be doing a lot more of it!

xoxo T

INDIA 2012

I have recently returned from travelling around India for 5 weeks with my boyfriend and our friends, and I have to admit India was unlike anything I expected at all! Not only was this my first time backpacking, but it was also my first holiday abroad without being with parents, and I think it’s safe to say I dived in at the deep end.

Here is our route, and I actually think we managed to see quite a lot considering we only had 5 weeks;

Delhi > Srinagar > Jammu > Manali > Dharamsala > Delhi > Jaipur > Ajmer > Pushkar > Agra > Lucknow > Varanassi > Darjeeling > Delhi.

When I told people I was going to India, everyone’s reaction was pretty much the same… a skeptical face with the question, WHY? To everyone, India seems an extremely poor, almost third world country, which is smelly, dirty, too hot, and as far from a holiday destination as they could imagine ( minus the south)! Of course, this is true of the some of the places I visited, but couldn’t be LESS true of others, and my trip certainly showed me that India has got much more to give than people perceive.

My favourite part of the trip definitely has to be North India (Srinagar, Manali, Dharamsala), and if anyone  is planning on taking a trip to India, I really do recommend and urge you to go to these places. We left Delhi after only one night and escaped to the amazingly beautiful area of Srinigar in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, and although my judgement may have been clouded because I was so happy to leave Delhi, I have to say that I think it is the most beautiful, relaxing and surreal place I have ever been.

Before showing you pictures of the breathtaking places I visited, I have to tell you about the one and only, DELHI. I’d heard from everyone about Delhi’s craziness and humongous population, but I didn’t really pay attention. I simply googled imaged it, which brought back beautiful pictures of temples and buildings, which of course, satisfied my curiosity… but boy was I in for a shock when I arrived!

I’ll set the scene of my first India Experience :  Just left the airport after an 8 hour flight, and 2 hour car ride into Delhi. I step out of the car and sling my backpack on. Its 50 degrees – but not even a nice, sunny, 50 degrees. Its humid, stuffy and basically like being in a hairdryer. All I can hear is horns beeping and see crowds of people EVERYWHERE. As we start walking to  find our hotel, we have literally have about 20 people coming onto us shouting “AUTO RICKSHAW AUTO RICKSHAW”, “NICE HOTEL, CHEAP ROOM, FOLLOW ME, FOLLOW ME”, all fighting for our attention – and ignoring us when we say no. I have never experienced anything like it before and found it extremely overwhelming. We then manage to get rid of the groups and take an alley hoping that our hotel is at the other end. While walking down I spot piles of faeces, heaps of rubbish, and even used sanitary towels sprawled everywhere. My stomach turns. The hotel is not there of course, instead, just another bustling street which happens to be the Main Bazaar. A young boy offers to show us to the hotel, we accept thinking he looks genuine. We carry on following him for about 10 minutes, before realizing he doesn’t have a clue( you get this a lot in India). Luckily, another guy offers to help us who thankfully, was genuine and we finally get there! BEST FEELING EVER – apart from the first boy who claimed to help us standing outside refusing to leave until we give him money ( we didn’t). So yes that basically was my first experience in India, and I have to admit I had to stop myself from crying a few times. HOWEVER – it got a whole of a lot better from here, and Delhi actually became quite nice after a nice cold shower, and it was even nicer at night with some beautiful markets.What Delhi definitely proved is that India is not for the faint hearted, not one single bit!

Our first meal in Delhi 


We then headed to the hills to escape the chaos and heat, and after a 24 hour bus journey, we arrived at Srinagar. Srinagar is all on water, covered with beautiful green lillipads, on Dal Lake to be precise, and here we stayed on a houseboat for 6 nights, which is probably the most relaxing time I ever had, surrounded by beautiful surroundings and the loveliest people.

While staying in Srinagar we did a mini trek in the Himalayas which was pretty amazing! We saw glaciers, drank fresh Himalayan water ( which was the nicest water I have ever tasted), but the best bit was probably being mobbed for photographs by about 300 Indian children who were on a school trip, and who had obviously never seen white people before. This happens everywhere in India, and gives you a major ego boost, as you feel like a celebrity! – Until it gets a little weird.

There are so many photo’s I want to share, but as I would here ALL night If I did, I have only selected a few…quite a big few! But I hope you like them, and I really do urge everyone to go to India! The people are probably the most friendly people I have ever met, they have spectacular things to see, the food is delicious, and it is ridiculously cheap!




I literally had the best time of my life and I can’t wait to back and do the South!



I’ve just arrived back from a fabulous holiday with the family, and although our reason for going is a long, complicated and unpleasant story that I’m not going to delve in to, it turned out to be a pretty amazing holiday. Before going, I had a vision of Santorini in my head, lots of white buildings with blue roofs built on a hillside, with amazing views of the sea… and it was exactly that! I went with my mum, stepdad, and grandparents, and I have to admit I did think it was going to be rather boring – being stuck with the oldies- but they were more adventurous than me! One of the highlights of the holiday was hiring a quad bike with my mother ( my stepdad and grandparents hired car), and we drove from one side of the island to the other and it was breathtaking!

Another highlight was the traditional Greek plate smashing! On our last night we went to the No Name restaurant in Kamari (which I would definitely recommend to anyone who is going to Santorini) where we had tasty food and danced and smashed plates. While away I also managed to read The Great Gatsby ( in just two days), which was brilliant, and I now anticipating the film even more!

Anyway, here are some pictures from my beautiful holiday!


xoxo T


Birthdays & Goodbyes

Since my last post I have had my last two second year exams, meaning I have finished my second year of university, turned twenty (twenteen), had a more than eventful night out to celebrate, and left Liverpool ( in a VERY squashed car) and headed back to little ole Merthyr Tydfil, or ‘The Shire’ as I like to call it. ( Mainly because after watching Lord of the rings, it is apparent that is striking similarities – It is green, everyone knows each other, and the main point, NO-ONE EVER LEAVES).

Anywho, in this post I want to share pictures of my wonderful birthday presents from my friends and boyfriend, and photo’s from my last night out in Liverpool until September! (THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY PHOTO HEAVY)

The first photo of course, ME AND MY BLACK MILKS! They are the nicest and comfiest things ever! My parents hate them, and I may have received some weird looks in the streets, but I don’t care because they are snazzzzzy, and I’m defiantly going to start saving up for a new pair!

Amongst the amazing fox cake my friends made for me ( I love foxes), they got me the Meadham Kirchhoff nails wraps aka Vagina Nails, that I have wanted FOREVER! If you haven’t seen them before, they consist of really cute pictures of teddy bears, unicorns, but also a vagina! Pretty strange, but brilliant nonetheless. They also got me a cookie monster cupcake which was delicious, AND bindu’s for trip to India! Which I definitely plan on wearing.

I have never read The Great Gatsby, but with the new film coming out soon with the dreamy Leonardo Dicaprio, I was very interested in it, and after talking about it for a long time, Stefan bought the book for me, alongside the hunger games! Both books came at perfect timing, as I am off to Santorini on Tuesday, and India at the end of June, so plenty of reading time!

I was also lucky enough to see the Olympic Torch pass through Liverpool…

xoxo T

A blast from the past

It has been a VERY long time since i blogged last, nearly a month in fact! I have been preoccupied with Uni and general life, but it feels god to be back, and hopefully I will be blogging more regularly now!

Since my last blog in April, quite a lot has been going on! I had a lovely Easter home with my parents, filled with food that wasn’t from the reduced aisle in Tesco and instead, expensive and cooked beautifully by my mother! Since coming back to Liverpool, I’ve had quite alot of work to do, but when I haven’t been doing work, I have been out with my housemates and made a little trip down south for my boyfriends Granddads 90th! – Which was a lovely weekend!

After catching my first ever Virgin train to London ( which was very exciting)  Stefan’s sister Kelly cooked us a beautiful meal ( Chilli con carne – personal fave) and then for his Granddad’s birthday we headed for a Chinese buffet on the Sunday as his granddad loves it! So cute!

I bought a dress especially for the occasion, and it was so pretty! It cost just £22 from Asos, and it’s perfect for summer!

Since my last post, I have also dip dyed my hair PINK! It keeps fading which is annoying, but pretty nonetheless!

Here I am, my dress is the one I mentioned from Asos, my blazer is pretty old and from Topshop, and the best part, MY SHOES! are Carvella from Kurt Geiger. They were my prom shoes, and because they are so beautiful, I think this is only the third time I’ve worn them, they are my babies!

xoxo T